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Who's been living in my shell?

I was walking on the beach yesterday and found the two shells in the picture but guess what? they were empty. That got me thinking about who might have lived in them and how did they end up on the beach? I looked around and saw some rock pools - do you think that might have been where they came from? So I am hoping that you can help me with these questions.

Maybe over the weekend you could go to the beach and rock pools to see what lives there. Can you also look for shells like these and see if you can find out who they belong to? If you post your pictures we can investigate your findings together. You could also draw a picture of what you find if you'd prefer.

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Mar 30, 2020

I am now thinking (because all teachers think a lot!) about the shells that you have collected. Do you think it would be a good idea if we investigated what creatures lived in them and what it might be like living in a shell? if you want to join in you could ask Mum, Dad or an older sister or brother to help you to find information. So far you and I have found cockle shells, periwinkles and common whelk shells and a crab shell. You can draw what you have learned or tell your Mum or Dad what you know and they can write it down and send it to me at I will then put all of…


Mar 29, 2020

Lovely but cold time on the beach this morning. Cara found cockle,periwinkle,common whelk shells and was most excited to find a jellyfish on the beach😊


Mar 29, 2020

Hi Ava and Caoimhe - I love the turtle family and I'm wondering if you gave them names? Can you also let me know about the other sea creatures that you made?


Mar 29, 2020

Meet baby turtle


Mar 29, 2020

Thanks for the inspiration Miss Brenda. We had a lovely walk on the beach and we had a lovely afternoon making our shells into some beach friends...the turtle family was a massive hit 😄

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