Our curriculum is framed by the principles, themes and processes of Aistear (Well-being, Identity and Belonging, Communication, Exploring and Thinking). Our quality is based on the standards of Síolta and we have achieved this award at the highest level. The curriculum is structured so that it is flexible and can respond to children’s emerging interests, needs and capabilities.
We endeavour to provide a curriculum that is stimulating and attentive to the needs and interests of the children. We believe that the curriculum should be designed and structured to suit the child and not vice versa.
Children are both observed and consulted, which in turn informs planning.
We believe that children should be actively involved in their own learning.
Our curriculum encompasses all aspects of child development and every activity has a specific developmental purpose. It supports and extends children’s language, emotional, intellectual, social and physical skills and abilities. We plan our curriculum

so that it will challenge and stimulate every child in our care, regardless of age and ability.
A curriculum that has a balance between adult and child led activities helps the children develop the dispositions, skills, knowledge, and understanding, attitudes and values that will help them to grow as confident and competent learners.
A child’s learning is unique, developing and learning at different rates. Learning based on the child’s interests, strengths and life experiences is more interesting and relevant for him/her.