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The next JK Rowling......

I once posed a question to a group of 3 and 4 year olds - 'what is an author?' to which one child replied 'we are all authors' wise words from one so young. Absolutely, you are all authors and this has been demonstrated on numerours occasions, with three books of short stories published so far. Before the sudden shut down the children in 'The Hive' were telli.g and illustrating their own stories but why not carry on telling our stories and sharing them here.

Each week two images will be posted as a prompt for the story and one or all can be used. This week i will post the images and following on from this I will get suggestions from the children. Really looking forward to reading your stories.

...and the second

I am happy to facetime the children to take their story if this suits better.....

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15 de abr. de 2020

A short story by Julia.

The Dog and the Ice cream

Once upon a time there lived a dog and he had a ice cream, but the dog didn’t know how to eat a ice cream and his owner said “you just lick it”. The dog said “I don’t know how to lick it , can you teach me?” and the owner said “no you need a bath dog” but the dog didn’t like baths so he jumped right out of the bath and out of the garden and over the wall into the city.

The End


28 de mar. de 2020

This wonderful story is about a very engergetic dog who loves to boing a lot. James did beautiful illustrations to go with his story

My Blue Dog



THis is a story about my dog. He is a bouncer dog and he boings up when he drinks tea. His name is Jack and he is blue. He is 20 meters and he is big blue dog. He sleeps in my bed. He likes to eat toast and drink lots and lots of minion juice. He likes to play 'boing up ball'. When he clicks his fingers he boings and goes outside. Then he clicks his fingers again and boings back into the house into the attic. Then he boings…


27 de mar. de 2020

Well done Martina I really loved reading your story and I know all of your friends will too x


27 de mar. de 2020

....and hot off the press we have a story from Cara O'Brien

The Fairy Zoo



A bunny lived in the zoo. A dog and a mouse lived in the zoo. A cat lived in the zoo and a guinea pig. Penguins lived in the zoo. Emma walked in the zoo and then she goed to the pet shop. She buyed a pet kitten and then she got an ice-cream. Blue bubble gum ice-cream and the next day Emma bought a pet guinea pig and a gerbil, and she went back to bed. The next day she was going to her cousin’s house and that is Niamh, Aoife and Sheena and she sleeped at their house for eleven nights.…


Natalia Ramirez
Natalia Ramirez
27 de mar. de 2020

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