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Let's Explore


I am now thinking (because all teachers think a lot!) about the shells that you have collected. Do you think it would be a good idea if we investigated what creatures lived in them and what it might be like living in a shell? if you want to join in you could ask Mum, Dad or an older sister or brother to help you to find information. So far you and I have found cockle shells, periwinkles and common whelk shells and a crab shell. You can draw what you have learned or tell your Mum or Dad what you know and they can write it down and send it to me at I will then put all of the findings together and post it on this page. If you didn't get a chance to visit the rock pools you can still join in by having a look in your garden to see if you can find any creatures that live in shells there. I found these in my Mum's garden yesterday.....

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02 de abr. de 2020

Emma and Cara looked at all of the shells that they found on the beach. Cara’s favourite was the common whelk and to her amazement the shell wasn’t empty – the snail was still inside. She noticed that the snail was similar to the snails that she finds in the garden and like the garden snail both have shells to protect them. Cara and Emma also found out that some people like to eat these whelks, especially in England and Italy. They both decided that snails and chips are not going to be on their plate at home. Cara and Emma were also interested in what it would be like to have your house on your back so they got…


02 de abr. de 2020

Thanks for sharing your story Helen


02 de abr. de 2020

Hi Helen - do you want to share your story with us?


daniela renda
daniela renda
02 de abr. de 2020


daniela renda
daniela renda
02 de abr. de 2020

We are learning sea creatures


Opening Hours: Pre-School: Monday - Thursday To facilitate parking at the Centre the hours are staggered. 

The Hive; 9am to 1.00pm. Bumblebees & Honeybees; 09.00am to 01.00pm Optional extra hour 1.00pm - 2.00pm

Call Us: 087 2487445 or 086 3854380 Comunity Centre Loughshinny Skerries Co Dublin.

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In Colaboration with JJMc

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